Terms and Use - FreightOne

FreightOne is commercial software, built for freight companies to better manage their customers, carriers and storage facilities.


Use of this software is restricted to the company it is registered to. Please do not share your registration details with other people or companies.

Subscription service

FreightOne is a software as subscription service. Registered users pay a monthly fee. Subscriptions automatically renew each month.

Email notifications

All subscriptions use email to distribute notices and other admin notices.


FreightOne keeps your freight management communication and files within your user account.

Your customers, carriers or storage facilities cannot see orders in their entirety. Only administrators of freight companies can see everything.

FreightOne is encrypted with SSL.

FreightOne servers are located in Australia. We use Amazon infrastructure that also complies with our high security protocol. Neither FreightOne nor Amazon will use your personal data outside the FreightOne environment.

Backups and Server Uptime

FreightOne is backed up daily (midnight) and is also hosted in multiple server locations in replication. This ensures if a server fails, everyone can continue to operate as per normal. If all servers fail, we can pull a backup and reinstate in a new server within the hour. If server access is affected in any way, we’ll distribute communication regarding this as soon as possible to ensure you’re up to date with our situation.


We process all payments via our merchant and card provider Stripe.

A digital payment invoice will be sent after payment is received.

Currently BETA users can use the FreightOne software for free.

Termination of subscription

Users can end their subscription at any point. This option is visible in the user settings page.


FreightOne is owned by C3 Australasia, and built/managed by Studio Two. Both are proudly Australian.